Purging of Content – July 2024
Another month and time for another set of deletions.Remember, these can be re-requested at any time from https://request.podge.network Movies TV Shows
Another month and time for another set of deletions.Remember, these can be re-requested at any time from https://request.podge.network Movies TV Shows
Another month and time for another set of deletions.Remember, these can be re-requested at any time from https://request.podge.network Movies TV Shows
Every month, I go through and remove TV Shows & Movies that have not been watched in a year. This is to save on disk space for NEWER content. Any TV Show or Movie here can be re-requested via the new request system https://request.podge.network Movies TV Shows See you next month.
Every month, I go through and remove TV Shows & Movies that have not been watched in a year. This is to save on disk space for NEWER content. Any TV Show or Movie here can be re-requested via the new request system https://request.podge.network Movies TV Shows NOTE: Regarding TV Shows. If there is a…
Today, I have decided to try out Overseerr as opposed to the regular requesting system that we have been using for a couple of years now, Ombi. The URL remains the same at https://request.podge.network, and you can still log in with just your Plex account information. If you have requested stuff before, and it isn’t…
Time to remove TV Shows & Movies that have not been watched since March 2023. Movies TV Shows
Time to remove TV Shows & Movies that have not been watched since February 2023. TV Shows Movies
As the Christmas period has now ended for another year, it is time to bid farewell to all the Christmas movies for now. They will be back in December. Now, with that done, it’s time to remove shows that were last watched in January 2023. TV Shows Movies See you in February.
I am going to try and do a purge of content that has not been watched in a year or more. This ideally would be done towards the end of the month but I may do it at a random time if I forget. First, I am removing all content that was added before 1st…
Recently, I have been alerted to a networking issue with Podgeflix. I cannot explain what is actually happening, but I was presented with a work-a-round which should hopefully fix some things. This is mainly for people who use the Plex TV app: Try it out and see how it goes.